Friday, 16 September 2011

Lol! My Game Has Been Head Hunted!

Today I found myself both flattered and amused.  Out of nowhere appeared a message in my inbox that read:

"Hello Android app developer" (I've finally been recognised!)

"I am contacting you as I saw your app 'Livestock Vs The Undead Lite' on the web and found that it runs great on the range of Android tablets that our company caters for.

"As such, I have put it up on our Apps download site; AppsLib (  It's a specialized marketplace for users with android tablets to download app suited for, and tested on their devices."

It went on to say that they've created a developer account on my behalf and sent login details.  Sweet.  In fact, after logging in, I discovered that they have uploaded Zombie Pop Lite and Time Flies live wallpapers as well.

So if you have a tablet, please look up my apps on their site,  I'd be really interested to know how they look on tablets.

Given that the game is still in beta,  I was genuinely surprised and the extra attention is most welcome.  This gives me more incentive to push it into a fully fledged release.



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