Friday, 15 July 2011

Sidetracked 00001

No left turnImage via Wikipedia
I highly suspect this will be the first of many deviations from the development path.

Saying that, the path is a purely abstract concept, in this instance. The question is - where would a deviation from an abstract leave me? Further abstracted? Surreal? Insane? Who knows?

Anyhoo. Having set up for a lengthy coding session I accidentally fired up my HTC Wildfire virtual machine (240x320 QVGA) as opposed to my normal form factor HTC Desire(480 X 800 WVGA). As the initial launch takes an age I thought I may as well test the Livestock Vs The Undead Lite code on it to see how it ran. Let me tell you folks, it wasn't pretty. Picasso may have been proud, but it was pretty useless as a game.

As my newly revised graphics engine code was still fresh in my mind it seemed like a good time to make the thing scalable at least.

The conclusion to this tale is that Android seems quite happy to scale images for you by default - but it does a pretty lame job of it. So I turned off all the auto-scaling from my resource fetching code and ran it all through my new routines and voila - a working and scalable version of the game.

This is all well and good. But it doesn't actually add any extra goodies. I shall have to be more restrained and get on with it in the next sessions - ie back onto the menu revisions. Those of you who didn't like the game starting from scratch on each load are going to love the new sections.

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